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Biography and Experience

“Andy Owen is the most charismatic, entertaining and, knowledgeable direct marketer in the business today, who never fails to inform, educate and delight. He continually presents you with a volley of punchy ideas, which leave you buzzing with inspiration and eager to implement. It's a pleasure working with him.

Joanna King M IDM, Programme Director, The Institute of Direct Marketing, UK

Andy Owen is now recognised as one of the most influential direct marketers of his generation.

He has worked in direct marketing for over 40 years and his renowned speciality is copy and creative. He writes campaigns every day.

A lot of people think they can write. Only a handful can. Andy Owen is recognised as one of the world’s best.

He was recently called the ‘Grand Master of Copy’.

Effective Copy & Creative For Direct Marketing

Everyone uses words. But Andy knows how to use the right ones to grab attention and sell. He also understands how to use creative concepts and designs for maximum effect.

Andy Owen Copy & Creative Ltd is his own international consultancy with its Head Office based in Brea Village, Cornwall, UK.

In addition to his continuous copy and creative commitments,
Andy also regularly presents conferences, seminars, workshops and Masterclasses, plus training sessions on all aspects of contemporary direct marketing, all over the world.

To date, he has spoken in 29 countries - and travels, on average, over 100,000 miles a year sharing his wisdom and knowledge.

Andy is a highly respected contributor to several International marketing and advertising publications, including Admap, Marketing Week, Gulf Marketing Review, Direct Response, Direct Marketing Week, Direct Marketing International, Precision Marketing, Directory, AdAsia, Adline and many, many more.

His legendary Copycat articles, available on this site, are now read and enjoyed every month, by over 10,000 top industry leaders and decision makers all over the world.

Andy is the author of two superb DVD’s on copywriting, called:

How To Write Copy That Really Sells
and a live DVD - How to use the enormous power of words, to make your sales letters connect, influence and sellfilmed at his recent sell-out Masterclass in Cape Town.

His latest book – ‘Words That Move Mountains’, was published in 2024 and is available in Paperback and Kindle versions.

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